The Language House Sàrl Rue du Stand 35, 1204 Genève, Schweiz

The Language House Sàrl

93 Bewertungen
  • Donnerstag08:00–18:30
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–18:30
  • Dienstag08:00–18:30
  • Mittwoch08:00–18:30
The Language House Sàrl Rue du Stand 35, 1204 Genève, Schweiz

Uber das Geschaft

Cours d'anglais à Genève. Les séjours linguistiques en anglais. | The Language House - English courses in Geneva | English courses around the world


Rufen Sie uns an
Rue du Stand 35, 1204 Genève, Schweiz


  • Donnerstag08:00–18:30
  • Freitag08:00–17:00
  • SamstagGeschlossen
  • SonntagGeschlossen
  • Montag08:00–18:30
  • Dienstag08:00–18:30
  • Mittwoch08:00–18:30


  • Service/Leistungen vor Ort
  • Termin erforderlich
  • Onlinekurse

Empfohlene Bewertungen

Jérôme Spichiger
The Language House Sàrl
I started English lessons with The Language House mainly to improve my confidence in speaking English. This was at the dawn of the pandemic and almost all the lessons were online. Nevertheless, it was very productive thanks to my teacher Sarah who knows how to make things interesting and interactive. My lessons with Sarah are more than just English Lessons. I learned a lot about British culture, sharing some articles on various topics from the British press. It was a real pleasure to have my lessons with Sarah and I highly recommend the school to anyone looking for a deep dive into British culture and a very effective improvement their English level.
The Language House Sàrl
The Language House is the tailor made teaching solution to give a boost to your English proficiency.Warm thanks to my teacher Sian who really helped me gaining confidence in speaking, giving me insightful tips to better improve my fluency, pushing me to go out of scope, having supportive role play, elevating my skills to the next level in a very effective way.I would highly recommend The Language House and its team for anyone with a project of any kind and where English is essential.
kilian Borgeaud
The Language House Sàrl
I took English courses in this school to prepare for the Cambridge C1 Advanced.I have to say that my teacher David, helped me a lot and allowed me to pass this exam in an efficient way.David is a very good teacher, I was immediately at ease with him. The structure of the course is very good, he was able to quickly point out my weak points and we were able to work on them.David and Garry are very friendly and welcoming. I recommend this school to anyone who wants to learn English in a simple, effective and fun way.
Christian DM
The Language House Sàrl
I really appreciated the tailor-made programme offered by the Language House in Geneva, and especially by David. He was able to provide me with specific exercises in order to focus on my special needs.The approach at The Language House is dynamic and very human"
Prasitha Vijayan
The Language House Sàrl
My confidence to appear for Academic IELTS test improved a lot, just after 4 classes. Garry guided me in the right path and my score will help me to apply for my Master's. Thank you Garry.
Cécile Girod
The Language House Sàrl
Notre association le CAP, Centre d’Animation des Pharmaciens, organise des formations pour les d’officine et leurs équipes. L’une de nos collaboratrices nous a fait savoir que l’équipe de The Language House, qu’elle connaissait, avait remarqué que le niveau d’anglais dans les pharmacies romandes était souvent insuffisant. Une belle occasion de développer un projet spécifique à l’intention des équipes des pharmacies de Suisse romande ! L’équipe de The Language House s’est complètement investie pour développer un cours en ligne, interactif, basé sur les « communication skills » nécessaires et sur le vocabulaire spécifique à notre profession. En 10 soirées, nos participants au bénéfice d’un niveau minimum A2 ont pu exercer des jeux de rôle et apprendre les expressions et le vocabulaire leur permettant de prendre en charge des pathologies variées, d’accompagner une vaccination en officine ou un entretien de contraception d’urgence, par exemple.Nous avons déjà formé plus de 20 personnes et les retours des participants sont excellents : « cours très utile au comptoir », « c’était bien de pouvoir beaucoup pratiquer, parler », « multitude de thèmes abordés », « formation faite pour les pharmaciens », « corrections positives par l’enseignante ».Cette formation est accréditée pour la formation continue et pour l’acquisition du Titre postgrade FPH de spécialiste en officine. Nous sommes très satisfaits du dynamisme de l’équipe de The Language House, qui est ouverte à des améliorations en continu et dispose d’enseignants de qualité. Leur organisation est aussi excellente. Merci pour cette « tailor made formation » !Cécile Girod, pharmacienne FPH spécialiste en officine, coordinatrice romande du CAP
Zak Gva
The Language House Sàrl
My English lessons at The Language House helped me develop my professional English, especially in relation to finance, real estate and business. I am a more confident communicator, but of course, there is always more work to be done. I know I will go back to The Language House when the time is right.Professional and friendly. A real pleasure.
The Language House Sàrl
I took lessons with Garry in order to pass the IELTS exam (C1). He was always available and very clear in his explanations. I made good progress and felt fully prepared for the exam.He is a dynamic teacher who takes care of his students. (Thank you for all the green teas :) )I highly recommend this school and I will not hesitate to take classes with him again in the future.
Marcel Fuchs
The Language House Sàrl
Trebinshun House in Wales is quite an experience! Beautiful green location, great teachers and a fantastic chef (de cuisine)!! Moreover, it never rains in Wales! :-) Did some great walking with our dog Lucy in the Marloes and Stockpole as well as visiting St. Davies. The teachers are outstanding! So thank you a thousand times for your good work and advice. Claude Gerber and Marcel Fuchs, Berne
Marie Barbey
The Language House Sàrl
Improving and mastering English is a long road! Thank you very much Garry for your patience, training, advice… and your sense of humour! The lessons were effective and enjoyable. A very pleasurable moment in my busy life to improve my English while at the same discussing and debating different global and local issues.Marie Barbey-ChappuisMayor of Geneva

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Rue du Stand 35, 1204 Genève, Schweiz
The Language House Sàrl